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the States

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: ... they was bawling and (inc) the devil (inc) going on, and I said to them, "Well, you just stick the phone in the ground. It'll just reverse the charges, you-see." Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: It'll phone away down into the States some place. So they phoned down into the States and talked to their mother for a while. Then their brother, he'd been a counsellor up here the year before, and ah she- they'd already got him on the phone. He talked to them.
The United States of America
And ah (inc) right there, she said, "Ah would you drive us home? We've got the money to pay you right now. (inc) if ah we can't phone home (inc)." I don't need to drive them right down to the States.
The United States of America


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1711, OED Evaluation: NA

An open portico or light roofed gallery extending along the front (and occas. other sides) of a dwelling or other building, freq. having a front of lattice-work, and erected chiefly as a protection or shelter from the sun or rain.

Yeah by the time you got starting up the hill and get up the veranda, those last two or three steps up the veranda was pretty tough.
An open portico or light roofed gallery extending along the front (and occas. other sides) of a dwelling or other building.

you done it

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


... no (inc) pension. There wasn't anything at all. It-- you had-- if you- you had to do whatever you could. Anyway, and you-know, and you- I always worked for anything and when you had the truck up there and anybody wanted something drawed, for a little extra money, you done it. It didn't matter about what time it was when you got home.
"you did it"
Speaker: ... it goes about five miles east of Mount-Albert. I don't know how big it would be- they- but I figured they- about fifteen or eighteen, twenty mile across, you-know. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Now, we done every road. And every road is a mile and a quarter, you-see, townships. You done it that way, and that way, and this way, and back. You went right around you-see, this mile and a quarter, that'd be ah five mile.
"you did it"