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Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


So at university and afterwards and professional career-type-things, it'd be- are- are awesome.
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And if we- if we did it was like "You sit down and figure it out" (laughs) type-thing.
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Like he'd threaten you like "Don't make me get my belt out" type-thing but he never once used it (laughs)
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Of- t-- tattle-taling as far as when we were, you-know, saying Grace, it was like "Anita had her eyes open" type-thing and but besides that no.
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I'm kind-of like "Ehh" fly by the seat of my pants type-thing.
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The only one that I can think of that might have been a little strict but I never had a problem with them personally was in middle-school and it was just because he was like- you sing the National-Anthem and you look at the flag type-thing but besides that it was- I had no problems.
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No, no fights. I- hm I-guess I was a bit of a bully when I was younger, um but then I noticed- like my sister had been bullied too and I realized like how crappy it could be and I kind-of went the opposite way- was like you-know "Leave that person alone" type-thing.
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There's all kinds of like- yeah. I had like- like I said I worked with people that were like from Jamaica and stuff too and they- they brought stuff to work and shared it with me because they're like "Oh you've never had it, you're crazy" type-thing but.
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It's- yeah, and it was like you don't have that kind-of like- you can't really be intimate either like with your parents like in the house. Like my dad like doesn't leave the house very often, so it was like you can't even be together type-thing.
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So it was like you had to be really careful about stuff and like that was the thing too, it's like my mom didn't like that we were in the same room together type-thing.
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Even if it was just like that much it had to be open all the time otherwise she'd be like (makes sound) "Your door is not open" type-thing so I-don't-know.
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They were like "we know you don't feel like that close to" and we're like "We never felt that way until you made it feel like that" like we didn't belong type-thing, so my sister- and my sister holds a grudge ah is like all "Are you even going to invite them?"
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But I'm like- I just kind-of want to get it out in the open, and be like "What's the deal?" type-thing and my sister's like- lets it boil inside of her until- like she- I could probably say she hates them but I-don't-know, it's weird (laughs).
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And it was- it was- the weird thing is is it was okay when we were younger, like they were all about being you-know- being- like bonding and stuff but now that we're older they're just like- couldn't care less type-thing. It's weird. I think a lot of it has to do with like age difference too.
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It was kind-of like "okay, like we've seen this happen in our own schools, we know that it's going to happen" you-know type-thing?
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Can I have the kids for an extra week? and my mom said "Of-course", you-know we're going to go see my grandmother (laughs) you-know, she said "Of-course," and so he had us an extra week in the summer type-thing and we went away and it was great, you-know and so and then- and then, actually the next summer my mom did the same thing.
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She was security up at the airport, at Ministry-of-Transport, ah one- used to be Towers like- it's like Kresge's and Walmart type-thing.
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The movie is a sequel to a previous movie, I didn't see it. It's kind-of like a horror, comedy, fantasy type-thing.
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nd the T-V series is based off of the characters from the movie and the T-V series is going to be called ah "The Tragic-" no "The Savage Tale Of Summer Veil" or-something-like-that and it's supposed to air on Super channel I think- it's going to be like a yeah a while series. It's kind-of like a, you-know, like a fantasy-horror type-thing where the main character is like a bad-ass woman, you-know, who fights and has a sword kind-of like a Xena type-thing, you-know-waht-I-mean?
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Community and social services I worked for here. Ah. It was a consumer alert type-thing, they'd go around and they'd make sure that people's weigh scale in- in grocery stores were not being tampered with and you weren't charging the customer more.
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