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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1407, OED Evaluation: NA

Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish

But all the Scotch people- all the- like- I remember w-- we heard one time that years ago all the Irishmen were all Scotch.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Well, I don't know where they were born. But mother had some Irish background and some Scotch background. She was a Flamborough. Janet-Flamborough.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
She's not pure Scotch. She's a lot of English.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
So they always had- some of them said they were Irish because they'd come from Londonderry and the other ones said "Well we were born in Scotland, so we're Scotch." And I think they were Scots too, because-
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
He's pure Scotch, he always tells me that. My mother's mother was Irish. And my grandfather was Scotch. And then on Dad's side, his mother was a Morrison. They lived on this hill out here, you- they call it Morrison-Hill. (inc) Clayton-Road.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Ah, my father ah- his father was French and his mother was Scotch. And my mother- both her parents were ah German.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Yeah, there's a mixture of ah, scotch, Irish and English, you-know?
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Pe-- people tell you, the Scotch and the English were just as bad.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Interviewer: Would that have been more Scot or Irish ancestry? Speaker: Irish and with some English and Scotch. But my mom was half French and half German so there's quite a mix in there.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Now I- I can't tell you how there- they were Scotch, the McDaley, so I spent all (inc) we never did get too fancy, my father came, he had a farm or whatever they call it out west for a number of years, he and mother were out there for a while, then they came back to live with her ah- her aunt, and ah-
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Mm-hm. McCresant, m-c, a little c, c-r-e-s-a-n-t. Scotch.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Well, he, ah- he was Scotch, Calum.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
He said there was French and Indian on his- on his side. Well there could have been- there could have been a wee bit of Scotch but ah, he always loved pipes but I don't think there was because he said he- French but not too many French people was pipers.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
I got what these scotch (inc) and Sophia's- Sophia's ah- Sophia's relatives, they right from Scotland eh?
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Yeah, all mother's were Scot- my mother's side was Scotch and then dad's were Irish, eh?
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
Speaker: I can speak a little but very little now but my dad was Polish, my mom was Scotch. Interviewer: Scotch? S-- Scotch? Speaker: Yup, Scottish.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish
And- and so that to me reminded me of the fact that there were- that Irish and Scotch sayings must have been prevalent in this area.
Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants; Scottish