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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1405, OED Evaluation: NA

The process or means of giving or obtaining ease or relief from pain, discomfort, or anything annoying or burdensome; relief, alleviation; †redress of grievances. Now somewhat rare.

Now also, there was ah an easement almost directly across the street from my mom and dad's which was a strip of land that nobody owned and we would use that to go down and go swimming, but ah there was no real beach there and you couldn't go there with your friends so you were better off going to the beach and meeting everybody.
The process or means of giving or obtaining ease or relief from pain, discomfort, or anything annoying or burdensome; relief, alleviation; †redress of grievances. Now somewhat rare.

Extended French

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: ... one of them is at ah Fricker for grade-seven and eight and our youngest one is at E-T-Carmichael but he actually will go to Fricker next year for the extended-French program. So, that will be- that will be a big change for him.
Late-entry French immersion programs beginning around Grade 7 or 8 (as opposed to early immersion programs, which may begin as early as kindergarten).
Interviewer: And- sorry, so which one go-- which one's going int--to the French program? Speaker: Ah, the youngest one. So they have a l-- sor-- it's- they call it an extended-French program. It's sort-of the late immersion program, so they go for grade-five, six, seven, and eight and they do close to sixty-percent of their day in French for grade-five and six and then it's about a fifty-fifty split for seven and eight. And he can still take some extended French courses at Widdifield or he can choose to go to Chippewa for full immersion.
Late-entry French immersion programs beginning around Grade 7 or 8 (as opposed to early immersion programs, which may begin as early as kindergarten).

fag hag

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1969, OED Evaluation: Orig. U.S.; Usu. derogatory.

A heterosexual woman who prefers or seeks out the company of homosexual men.

Speaker: But um, it's like his thing, he just really likes lesbians. Interviewer: So he's like the equivalent of the girl who likes all the gay guys. Speaker: Yeah, yeah he's all- Interviewer: (inc) Speaker: A les-bro, instead of a hag-fag, or a fag-hag. Whatever they- that's what he calls himself (laughs). Anyway, he was there and he was doing shots of absinthe.
A heterosexual woman who prefers or seeks out the company of homosexual men.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: Could you define a farkel for me? Speaker: A farkel? Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: I guess a farkel is someone who ah sets a very low standard for- or puts out- has a very low standard for his own like sort-of efforts, you-know. Um ah an example of farkelism would be um I-don't-know a really poorly constructed deck just done half-assed, you-know, with ah I-don't-know some screws here, some nails there.
A job done with half effort

fifty-fifty draw

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


But I've enjoyed the Legion. I've had many jobs there. Ran the bingo for years. Ran the fifty-fifty-draw ah for years. I'm a life member now. (laughs) Don't do much around the Legion.


Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: 1908, OED Evaluation: U.S.

Fine, splendid, first-rate. colloq. (orig. U.S.). Freq. in phr. fine and dandy.

Ah we have ah an executive that they- they can join. Like not just join for the- the privileges you have for legion, which is- it's fine and dandy ah but I think if you're going to join legion you should part-- participate as a member and- and- and enjoy it.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1657, OED Evaluation: NA

One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.

My dad farmed over there and he was- when the first war was on, he was a fireman on the steam-engines for four winters and then he'd take off in the summer and farm and then he'd go back on the rail-road in the winter-time.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.

For to

Parf of speech: Preposition, OED Year: 1175, OED Evaluation: Now arch. or vulgar. Cf. French pour, German um zu.

Before an inf., usually for to, (Sc. till), indicating the object of an action; = ‘in order (to)’.

Speaker: I remember asking my mom for- like "Mom, can I borrow five-bucks for to go out tonight?" and her not knowing that, you-know, I could get- what- how much is an O-E of beer? Like that's- like a litre (laughs) Interviewer: It- Speaker: For three-dollars? Interviewer: It- it was less than six-bucks.
In order to
Interviewer: Yeah. Um, what kind of food do you like to make? Speaker: Ah, I-think breakfast is probably one of my favourite meals to cook for to be honest. I love doing- I love doing brunches and breakfast and-that-kind-of-thing.
In order to

Frigging or fricking

Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1560, OED Evaluation: NA

used as a coarse expletive.

And her son couldn't do it all-- couldn't board the friggin' window up by himself so I-- I just stayed and help them board up the window.
used as a coarse expletive.
Yeah. Um there's- even on the Food-Network they have frigging crazy people.
used as a coarse expletive.

Funner or Funnest

Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1727, OED Evaluation: N/A

As noun: Diversion, amusement, sport; also, boisterous jocularity or gaiety, drollery. Also, a source or cause of amusement or pleasure.

That's probably one of the fondest memories, fondest and funnest memories that I had in high-school.
Superlative/comparative form of fun.

Grade thirteen

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


I- I- I- I notice it in- I always noticed it in myself when I was teaching, just how my language would change going from a grade-nine class to a grade-twelve class, or you-know grade-thirteen in those years like, just th-- the differences in- in... speech and speech patterns and s-- and being more conscious of things like sentence structure and speaking properly and using more elevated language with the seniors ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: We- And at the t-- interestingly enough, at-the-time, the- the people who were building the French school, the students, when I say people I- I'm only you-know I was a grade-thirteen kid I thought I spoke for everybody I didn't, um, the s-- but the students from the French school agreed. They wanted to h-- come up with a- you-know to start new.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
When I first started at the girl's college, the um school-board the- the- the provincial funding system only extended itself to grade-ten, to the end of the intermediate section. Grade-eleven, twelve, and thirteen in those days, it was still grade-thirteen, they were not funded it was entirely private school, and so the students had to pay to attend the school, and Saint-Joseph's college the grade eleven, twelve, and thirteen section of Saint-Joseph's college was funded...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... they were both religious communities trying to run schools for stu-- Catholic students in North-Bay. And there were some grade-thirteen classes that ah were run at Scollard-Hall I-mean you could imagine the financial drain trying to run um especially grade-thirteen classes with very limited numbers ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: ... people were still trying to just you-know people were still trying to use some of those old O-A-C components in the grade-twelve university level course. Interviewer: Yeah, we had ah (inc) Titus-Andronicus and About-Schmidt. Speaker: Oh yes. Interviewer: (inc) Speaker: I- My oldest daughter, um her grade-thirteen er O-A-C independent study was on the character of Merlin, and she read oh more than three, I think f-- maybe half a dozen pieces from various King-Arthur legends ah and examined the character of Merlin, you-know things like that ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
He taught too- he taught m-- one of my sisters and my brother. I think he taught my sister who's four years older than I twice actually. I think he taught her in grade-ten and in grade-thirteen.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
So, um, and I said that the group that- the group that I tended to hang out with just didn't seem to- we just didn't really lean that way. More partying in probably grade-thirteen, yeah.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).